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Introducing TaiwanHipHop

The past couple of weeks has kept me busy with creating a brand new website about Taiwan! Introducing TaiwanHipHop.com, the #1 site featuring Taiwan rappers and Hip Hop artists! As you know, I have quite often written about and featured Taiwan Hip Hop artists here on ThinkTaiwan. These articles have gotten many views.

I learned from doing this, that Taiwan has a huge and continuously growing Hip Hop community that is passionate about what they do and love to share their music with others. This inspired me to create a new platform dedicated to Taiwan Hip Hop music and its fans.

However, do not worry about anything because I will continue to update ThinkTaiwan on a regular basis with new and exciting articles, videos, and features about various topics just as I always do! At the same time, I will be updating TaiwanHipHop on a regular basis with all the latest music videos from Taiwan’s rappers and hip hop artists.

For those of you who support Taiwan and its music industry please help me by sharing this article and by “Liking” the Facebook page for TaiwanHipHop. I truly believe that TaiwanHipHop will have just as much success as ThinkTaiwan has had in telling the world about what a wonderful Country Taiwan is! Thank you for the support!

TaiwanHipHop Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/TaiwanHipHop

TaiwanHipHop Official Website: http://taiwanhiphop.com/