When their previous music video, Beats Myself And I, dropped I thought “WOW can anything be better than this?” boy was I wrong…
- Kenzy’s voice
- E-So’s flow
- Muta’s gold chains
What else could I ask for in life?
Their new music video, Jungle, dropped last night and it blew my mind. It was literally so AWESOME it blew my mind… That is why I was not able to write about it until today.
I have followed this group since they were underground, and my goodness have they improved. Now if you asked me who the greatest rap group is, I would say MJ116!
I believe it is our job as Taiwanese people to spread to the world how awesome our Taiwanese rappers are! Below is their newest music video, Jungle!
Beats Myself And I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSnzcqnDK0s