Remember that cool band, Johnny Hi-Fi that I talked about before? Well guess what?! They just came out with a brand new music video today! The video is of my favorite song of theirs which is Politician. This video is absolutely amazing and literally just came out hours ago so I am extremely pleased to be able to write a feature about this tonight!
In case you didn’t read my previous post about Johnny Hi-Fi you can check it out by clicking here. Basically, Johnny Hi-Fi is an amazing band here in the San Francisco Bay Area where I currently live. The lead singer is a friend of mine by the name of Eric Hsu. Eric Hsu is originally from Taipei, Taiwan but grew up most of his life here in the United States which makes him Taiwanese American.
To learn more about Eric Hsu please take the time to read my original post about him and Johnny Hi-Fi. I included below their information so that you can “Like’ them and follow them because I think after you see this fantastic music video of Politician, you are going to want to keep up with their music and even buy some! So get to it ! Watch and “Like” !