Triple Force Crew 見貝 阿弘 將史: TW Hip Hop

I have written before about the Taiwan Hip Hop scene but I have normally showcased the vocal talents of the Taiwanese Hip Hop scene. Today, I came across a Taiwan Hip Hop Dance group by the name of Triple Force Crew or in Chinese 見貝 阿弘 將史. I stumbled upon them on Youtube and thought they had some very good dance talents and they seem to be a very spirited group.

They have several videos on their Youtube channel but I chose one to show everyone on this post that seemed a bit more of professional quality. It appears Triple Force Crew 見貝 阿弘 將史  from Taiwan is in some type of Dance show, possibly a competition in this video below. I do recommend checking out their other videos on  their Youtube channel and subscribe to them.

Below are the contact information for Triple Force Crew 見貝 阿弘 將史 which includes their Facebook Fan Page, Youtube Channel, and their personal blog! Make sure to check them out and “like” and “subscribe” to them to help support Taiwan’s Hip Hop Dance community!

Triple Force Crew Facebook:

Triple Force Crew Youtube:

Triple Force Crew Blog: