One of my favorite rock bands ever is back with a new hit Music Video! Johnny Hi-Fi has just released their music video of a song called “When you Go”. If you recall, Johnny Hi-Fi is lead by Eric Hsu who was born in Taipei, Taiwan, grew up in my homestate of Texas, and now lives in California.
Johnny Hi-Fi has performed in Taiwan before and hope they will get to go back soon for another performance. If they do, I will let you know because you have to see them live! I encourage you to visit their fanpage on ThinkTaiwan that I created for them awhile back. You can find it here.
It is absolutely amazing to know how long Johnny Hi-Fi has been together and performing all around the world! I encourage you to check out their latest music video “When you Go”, below. Then, make sure to “Like” them on their Facebook fan page to show them your support and to keep up with the latest music videos from them! Share with friends too!
Johnny Hi-Fi Facebook Page: