Young Taiwanese Rock Band: Sodium

I have a wonderful Taiwanese friend by the name of 陳以洛. 陳以洛 is a bass player in Taiwan for a young up and coming rock band named Sodium! Sodium has 4 band members who all have some great talent to show the whole world which is why I wanted all the fans of ThinkTaiwan to know about them.

In addition to 陳以洛 who plays bass there is also “Book” (vocals), 貝爾 (guitar), and 阿嬌 (drums). Sodium’s agent is named Lois. They have been invited to play at several music festivals around Taiwan but are based in Taipei. They have both a Facebook Fan Page and a Youtube account which I have included links to both below.

I have included a video below from their Youtube account which is soo cute! They are on a train in Taiwan on the way to a music festival when they shot this short video. It’s them performing on the actual train! If you look closely nearer to the end of the video you can see a man in the reflection of the window checking train tickets (I believe) haha Check them out at their Facebook fan page and Youtube page and make sure to become their fans! Watch the video and enjoy!

Sodium Facebook Fan Page:

Sodium Youtube Account: