Hello friends of ThinkTaiwan! I wanted to introduce to everyone who follows ThinkTaiwan to an amazing artist from Taiwan by the name of Sam Wang. He was born in Taiwan but currently lives in Los Angeles California living out his dream. This amazing Sam Wang has created his very own Tshirt brand called Akufuncture.
Akufuncture is what Sam calls a “Chinese culture brand” of clothing. Sam is very proud of his Taiwanese culture and explains that his brand Akufuncture is about finding a new way to embrace your culture. Sam’s brand has tons of awesome designs that he has designed with the help of other talented designers. So many cute choices of shirts too choose from with great low prices!
Please visit his online store and purchase a shirt to help support Taiwanese artist, Sam Wang! Visit his store by simply clicking on the following link: shop.akufuncture.com
After clicking on the link you will be able to view this season’s designs as well as Akufuncture’s previous seasons for a variety of great designs all done by the great team brought together by Sam Wang.
Also, for a further in depth interview with Sam you can visit my friend’s Asian American blog called “The Other Asians” here: http://theotherasians.com/2011/05/akufuncture/ Don’t forget to help support Taiwanese Artists as this well help Taiwan gain more recognition it deserves! Support Sam Wang!
Oh, btw this is Sam Wang…..