Taipei 101

Taiwan Trip Video 2011: 烏來

As usual, I was browsing the web for videos relating to Taiwan because I am still “Homesick” for Taiwan these days! And this morning, I came across a Youtube user who has a lot of videos of his recent Taiwan Trip with his family! I am very excited to find these videos about his family’s trip to Taiwan and wanted to share with you one of his great videos.

The guy who created these videos of his Taiwan Trip is from Pasadena, California! And because he has so many videos of his trip to Taiwan, I encourage you to subscribe to his Youtube account: I also found you can follow him on Twitter for updates on his video too!:

I would love for you to watch the below video because it shows Taiwan up close and personal with great detail as it was filmed in high quality. This video makes me miss Taiwan so much more and I look forward to my next trip there, which I hope is really soon! It is difficult to wait to long!

So go ahead, watch the video below and let me know what you think about it in the comments section below the video. Or, if you like it just click on the “Like” button to share it with your friends! Let’s show the whole world how beautiful and wonderful the Island of Bobee (Taiwan) is!