TED.com Talks in Taipei with TEDxTaipei!

For those of you who are familiar with TED.com (“Ideas Worth Spreading”) you might be surprised to know that Taiwan is now hosting it’s own “TED conferences”. It is known as “TedxTaipei” and can be found at http://blog.tedxtaipei.com/ . I have included one of their most recent talks here in this post for you to get a sample of what a “TED talk” really is and how they are doing them in Taiwan.

It all looks strikingly similar and the only noticeable difference seems to be the language. Of course in the Taipei “TED talks” they are using the most popular language of Taiwan, which is Mandarin. Unfortunately, the below video does not have English subtitles. However, for my Mandarin speaking viewers I highly recommend listening to the entire talk as well as logging onto their website to hear more inspiring and creative “talks”. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on “TEDxTaipei”!